A Link Between Smoking and Dementia?

Smoking Related to Senior Dementia: Quit smoking now for a healthier mind later
There are far too many reasons to quitting smoking cigarettes or other tobacco products. We’ve heard them all time and again; the physical health reasons, the cost, and so on, but new research indicates another great reason: saving your mind.
According to new information published by the World Health Organization in concert with Alzheimer’s Disease International, smokers are 45 percent more likely to develop dementia than non-smokers. WHO estimates that 14 percent of Alzheimer’s disease cases worldwide could be attributable to smoking. The group also cautions that second-hand smoke also could increase the risk of dementia.
“Since there is currently no cure for dementia, public health interventions need to focus on prevention by changing modifiable risk factors like smoking,” said Shekhar Saxena, WHO’s director of the Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse. “This research shows that a decrease in smoking now is likely to result in a substantial decrease in the burden of dementia in the years to come.”
There are 7.7 million new cases of dementia annually, according to ADI Executive Director Marc Wortmann. In 2010, the global cost was calculated at $604 billion, representing 1 percent of global gross domestic product.
For more information, visit the WHO website. Additionally, the National Institute on Aging has issued a new web resource from NIHSeniorHealth.gov, Quitting Smoking for Older Adults. The resource offers videos, worksheets, quizzes and more for older smokers who want or are thinking or quitting.
If you’re a caregiver for a loved one who is suffering from dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, there are a great number of senior living options available to help, including senior residences with Alzheimer’s specialty services. To begin your search for senior living residences, visit alternativesforseniors.com. There you can easily find a senior apartment, independent-living, assisted-living, or other continuing-care community where seniors can remain safe and in great care.
BLOG Date: Thursday, July 24, 2014
writer: Ryan Allen