I Am Over 50 Years – Can I Get LASIK Surgery?




I Am Over 50 Years – Can I Get LASIK Surgery?
LASIK surgery is a common option for those who want to get rid of contact lenses and eyeglasses. Often, young people choose this surgery as they make a great LASIK eye surgery candidate. However, those above age 50 can also consider it.

Although there is no upper LASIK eye surgery age, the minimum required age is 18 years. If you are above 50 years, here are some factors that will help you in determining whether you’ll make a good candidate for LASIK surgery or not.

Factors Affecting Your Candidacy for LASIK

Here are some factors that can impact your candidacy for LASIK surgery.

1.    Stable Eye Prescription

The prescription of your glasses should be the same for at least 12 months.
A stable prescription will improve your candidacy for LASIK.

2.    Eye Health

The health of your eye will be considered if you want to undergo LASIK after 50.
If you have an existing eye condition like dry eyes, glaucoma, or cataracts, you
may not necessarily be a good candidate for LASIK.

3.    Size of the Pupil

The size of your pupils also matters when you get LASIK. If your pupils are large,
you may experience halos or glare after the LASIK surgery.

4.    Thickness of Cornea

If your cornea is too thin or its surface has an irregular texture, it would compromise
the outcome of the LASIK surgery. What’s more – it could even worsen your vision.


Eye Diseases That Affect your Chances of Getting LASIK

•    Glaucoma

Glaucoma is a common eye condition in people over 50 that is caused due to
build-up of pressure in the eye.

Remember that LASIK surgery will not treat glaucoma. However, if you suffer from it,
you can still be considered a candidate. The doctor treating your glaucoma will have
to work with the laser eye surgeon to make sure that the glaucoma management is
not affected by the LASIK treatment.

•    Cataract

This is an eye disease that causes clouding of the natural lens inside the eye. This
condition occurs gradually over a period of time due to aging. When cataracts
almost start limiting your vision or start affecting your daily activities, the cloudy lens
can be removed. It can be replaced with a clear implant.

Cataract surgery can definitely improve your vision to the point where you won’t need
glasses. You can go for LASIK surgery if there is no vision issue post-cataract surgery.

•    Dry Eyes

This is a common condition that develops as we get older as a result of reduced tear production.

If you suffer from dry eyes, you can still opt for LASIK surgery. When you are over 50,
sooner than later is the best age to get LASIK.

•    Presbyopia

Presbyopia is an eye condition when you lose the ability to see things clearly up close. It is
a normal part of aging. Those over the age of 40 will start noticing the symptoms of presbyopia.

LASIK cannot treat this condition. Even if you go for it, the surgery may prove to be less effective
if you suffer from this condition.


What to Do Next?

Talk to your eye doctor whether you are the right candidate for LASIK. The doctor will consider all the factors and let you know if you can go ahead with LASIK surgery and enjoy better vision without relying on glasses or contacts.


Thank You to Our Guest Blog Writer:

Aaron Barriga

Marketing Manager
Insight Vision Center


Author Bio: Aaron Barriga is the online marketing manager for Insight Vision Center. With a knack for understanding medical procedures, and an interest in eye and vision health, Aaron loves to share what he knows and what he learns. He blogs with a mission of informing readers about the latest eye care technology and other topics related to eye care and eye health. He loves collecting coasters from the different bars and restaurants he visits during his travels.


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