Seniors And Mini Stroke Awareness

Mini Stroke Awareness: It’s important to know the signs of a mini stroke and take it seriously
You may know what a stroke is and may be aware of the warning signs, but are you familiar with a transient ischemic attack (TIA), often referred to as a “mini stroke”? It’s important to know the signs of a mini stroke and to seek medical attention right away if you should experience one.
A stroke, sometimes called a brain attack, occurs when a blockage stops the flow of blood to the brain or when a blood vessel in or around the brain bursts. According to the American Heart Association, more than one in every two Americans over the age of 60 will have at least one mini stroke—which occurs when blood flow to the brain is temporarily obstructed.
When compared with a full-blown blockage, a mini stroke seems like a minor incidence. But, mini stroke effects can have lasting consequences on a person’s physical and mental health.
“Research suggests that one or more mini strokes can progressively interfere with cognition and other brain functions that support balance, strength and gait,” says William Likosky, M.D. a board certified neurologist and medical director of the Swedish Neuroscience Institute’s Stroke Program.
Fifteen percent of people who experience a mini stroke develop some type of lasting disability within three months, according to Canadian researchers who examined the brain scans of 500 TIA survivors.
While transient ischemic attack (TIA) is often labeled “mini-stroke,” it’s more accurately characterized as a “warning stroke,” a warning you should take very seriously.
TIA is caused by a clot; the only difference between a stroke and TIA is that with TIA the blockage is transient (temporary). TIA symptoms occur rapidly and last a relatively short time. Most TIAs last less than five minutes; the average is about a minute. When a TIA is over, it usually causes no permanent injury to the brain, but it can.
Why do some clots dissolve while others don’t?
According to Dr. Emil Matarese, director of a primary stroke center at St. Mary’s Medical Center in Langhorne, Pa., the body has naturally occurring clot-busting agents. “Eventually all clots will dissolve, but whether there is damage depends on how long the clot is in place,” Dr. Matarese said. However, because there is no way to predict when a clot will dissolve on its own, time is of the essence. “Whenever you have stroke symptoms, dial 9-1-1 immediately and get to the emergency room so you can be evaluated. Don’t wait to see if the symptoms go away.”
While the vast majority of strokes are not preceded by TIA, about a third of people who experience TIA go on to have a stroke within a year. “TIA is a warning stroke and gives a patient time to act and keep a permanent stroke from occurring,” Dr. Matarese said. “By recognizing TIA symptoms and getting to the hospital, the patient can get help in identifying why the TIA occurred and get treatment — either through medication or surgery — that can prevent a stroke from occurring.”
In essence, according to Dr. Matarese, there should be no difference in response to a TIA or a stroke. Although a TIA resolves itself before there is damage, there’s no way to predict which clots will dissolve on their own. Stroke — and TIA — are medical emergencies; dial 9-1-1 and tell the operator you think it’s a stroke and note the time the symptoms started. Remember: Time lost is brain lost.
F.A.S.T. is an easy way to remember the sudden signs and symptoms of a stroke:
Face drooping
Arm weakness
Speech difficulty
Time to call 911
Additional signs of a stroke may include:
- Sudden numbness or weakness of the face, arm or leg, especially on one side of the body
- Sudden confusion, trouble speaking or understanding
- Sudden trouble seeing in one or both eyes
- Sudden trouble walking, dizziness, lack of balance or coordination
- Sudden severe headache with no known cause
More facts and information about strokes can be found at and
BLOG Date: Tuesday, June 2, 2015
Writer: Ryan Allen